Once again we are facing a fight against the Lottery in Arkansas. While on the surface a Lottery promises the citizens of our state the world, the fact is that in the 42 states with the lottery, none of the promises are being delivered to citizens. A lottery preys on our poorest and weakest citizens and serves as nothing more that a regressive tax. Already the Commercial Appeal out of Memphis was reporting the state-wide budget shortfalls in the Tennessee state government and listing the cuts that will be made to its citizens. How can that be? The lottery in Tennessee was supposed to solve that problem.
We see it first hand in West Memphis. The new gaming devices at the dog track were supposed to provide all the money needed to the city and ultimately the county to provide for the needs of its citizens. Two weeks ago the city council had to meet to readjust their tax designations just to pay for the thousands of dollars worth of shortfall in the city budget. The lottery steals from you...lies to you...and will cost you more and more each year.
I call on you to say "NO" to the lottery again in Arkansas. Call our local representatives and be nice, but clear on the issue!
For more information, let me invite you to visit the following website today: