I believe the same could be said for a Christian. Sadly, most of the Christian people I know, even members of our own church, are not even "average" by this definition because they do not even do "what is expected." For many believers, attendance is optional in their minds. Coming to worship on Sunday night or Bible study on Wednesday night is not even on their radar. Tithing is not even a consideration for them as the choose disobedience. It never crosses their minds to tell someone they know about Jesus, much less invite them to church or Sunday School. Is this what Jesus meant in Luke 9:23, when He said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."
I don't think "the cross" we are to carry daily is a cross of complacency, selfishness, self-sufficiency, laziness, or excuses! What do you think? What we desperately need at FBC are Christians who do what is expected "and then some." Where are you? You are out there aren't you? We need you! We need you now!