The difference between a great and growing church as opposed to a mediocre and plateaued church is one thing: The consistency of its members to the things of God. Alan Taylor says, "Consistency is a mixture of direction, determination, and durability." Sounds a lot like what Jesus said in Luke 9:62, when He said, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God (NIV)."
What is Jesus talking about? He is talking about our focus or our lack of focus. I know many believers who start off committed and consistent to the Lord in their attendance, giving, praying, Bible Study, and even their sharing the gospel with others. You might say they put ”their hands to the plow.” However, somewhere along life’s journey we get distracted from the things of God and our focus and consistency diminish. Often the thing we get focused on is ourselves. We are very consistent and focused on doing all that we want to do, going the place we want to go, and spending money on our new found priorities. Meanwhile, your church suffers…your Sunday School class suffers…your spiritual life suffers. Here is the thing: Right now, why not stop looking back and refocus your life, your priorities, and your consistency on the things of God? When you do, you will find God’s blessings to be yours to enjoy!