GROWING OUR FAITH: Our Faith on Trial!
I want to share a few words about how God tests our faith through Trials:
test our faith as the people of God! The New Testament alone is filled with God’s
commands for believers to obey. These commands are the things God tells us we should do or not
do. These commands are not presented to us as options, but as obligations. Someone has said
there are just over 1000 commands in the New Testament alone. Some of them seem
irrational or even crazy to us. Others are very inconvenient, hard, trying, time
consuming or they seem quite impossible. These commands are trials in our
lives. What is on trial? Our faith in on
trial to determine if it is real or not. They are there to try our faith.
we face a trial of our faith in relationship to God’s commands, what we are
ultimately deciding is this: Who am I going to trust? Am I going to believe
what God says to do or am I going to believe what feels right to do? For
example, when Jesus tells us to “Turn the other cheek” or the “Love your
enemies”, we are on trial. Our faith is being challenged at its very core
because on the surface we might disagree with the command, not understand it,
or find it to be really hard to accomplish. It is at that point in our lives
when we decide, “Am I going to trust what God says to do? Am I going to obey
what He says is right? Or am I going to trust my own opinion or my feelings and
do what I think is right in my own eyes?"
Bible is filled with examples of God putting the faith of His people on trial.
One that is hard for me to grasp is God demanding of Abraham to sacrifice his
only son Issac. That makes no sense to me. I cannot wrap my mind around that.
Still, ole Abe trusted God. He exercised faith in God, went with his son to the
top of the mountain, and there on the mountain God provided a ram as the
sacrifice rather than the son. Wow! Would I have been willing to have done that
or would I have rationalized it and chose to bury my faith rather than exercise
God asks us to do the impossible or the difficult. He often asks us to take
action without us having a lot of advanced details. Why? He wants to grow our
faith. Our faith is on trial. What we do next shows in whom we truly trust!
God commands us to build a boat in a desert because he’s going to send a rain
storm. We might not be able to see a cloud in the sky and the long-range
forecast may look dry, but God always has a plan! Just ask a guy by the name of
Noah. We realize that Noah not only obeyed God, but he did so immediately.
Everyone laughed at his faith. No one else would obey God, but Noah persevered.
The result of his faith is that he and his family lived! When we exercise our
faith in God it brings new life to our otherwise dry, desert lives!
maybe today God is talking to you, calling you, commanding you, or convicting
you about something. Maybe you do not have all the answers. Maybe, just maybe
your feelings and emotions are conflicted. When this happens, it is a trial.
Your faith is on trial. Will you trust God or trust yourself? The issue is your
faith! What will you choose?