Our Enemy- Complacency!

We see this sense of complacency take
place after church revivals, attendance or giving campaigns, or mission
endeavors. It could even be said that some church leaders get overwhelmed by
the changes and the growth, so they tighten up and start playing it safe. They
were inspired weeks early to think big thoughts, implement a big vision, make
sacrifices, and to participate at a higher level. Leaders who follow a great
vision and who think big thoughts have people who follow them. This is when the
momentum starts to build and things get really exciting, but too often the
leaders shrink back just on the edge of major breakthroughs.
This temptation is a reality with a lot
of sports teams. How many times have we seen teams lose their momentum and then
lose the game because instead of playing to win, they began to play not to
lose? They get ahead, but then they pull back and stop playing with the
intensity that earned them the lead. This is also why in sports it is rare to
see teams repeat a championship because they relax, become complacent the next
year, and the stop working as hard as they once did.
In the 2013 National Championship game
the Auburn Tigers were administering a pretty sound beating of the Florida
State Seminoles. At the half, Auburn was winning 21-10, but the score did not
indicate the dominance the Auburn team had in the first half. In the second half,
it all changed. The Auburn coaching staff made a critical leadership mistake.
Rather than playing to win, they started playing not to lose. The big,
risk-taking, visionary game plan that had built a dominant half-time lead was
scrapped for a more conservative, small minded, incremental second half game
plan. What happened? The momentum shifted, and with only 13 seconds left,
Florida State beat Auburn to win the national championship.
The leadership lesson for all of us,
including churches, is this: When things
are on a roll, don't sit on the ball—run up the score! In other words, when
you've got momentum going for you, put the pedal to the metal. Take off! Ignite
your momentum and build on it. Ride the wave of momentum and continue to cast
the vision. In church and in the work of God’s Kingdom, there is never a time to be complacent or to
slow up.
Right now, at the church where I am pastor
(First Baptist Church, Lexington, TN), God is moving in a mighty way. We have
seen many people give their life to Jesus. We have been overwhelmed with Sunday
guests and new people. Giving is growing each month so that new ministries can
be started. The mindset and the attitude of God’s people are turning to an
outward focus on the community and the world. We have adopted a new mission
statement to “take the gospel of Jesus
Christ across the street, across the states, and across the seas.” The BIG MO is on our side right now and my
greatest fear as pastor is the complacency of people. Complacency is an
unwelcome attitude at FBC Lexington, TN. We need to continue moving forward. We
are not going to take our foot of the pedal. We are going to continue to
challenge ourselves, make changes, and move forward!
When leaders stop thinking big and
dwell upon protecting past successes, the progress will slow and then stop. New
ground will not be taken. Opportunities of a lifetime will be lost. God will
not be honored and complacency will invade like an enemy streaming over the
walls of the city. We must not forget that if we are not careful, the big
thoughts and the big vision that gave us a big year can be replaced by complacency,
boredom, and conservative thoughts which will give us a mediocre year or bad
year. Let’s be challenged by the words of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:9, “Let
us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a
harvest if we do not give up.”