It is time for "MORE" in 2017!!!

Back to the word “MORE.” What I know is this fact: If FBC is to be
effective in the future and if we are to fulfill our mission of taking the
gospel of Jesus Christ “across the street, across the states, and across the
seas,” then what we are going to need from the church members at FBC is “MORE!”
The Biblical principle is found in the words of Jesus from Luke 12:48, when
Jesus says, “Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even
more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more.”
The principle of “MORE”
is a principle that most believers had rather avoid. Far too many “followers of
Jesus” come into the church not seeking to do “more” or give “more” or minister
“more” or love “more.” Many come into the church seeking to do all of these
things “less” and not “more.” On average across our nation and denomination,
people are giving the Lord less money, less time, less ministry, and sharing
our faith is at an all-time low. As Southern Baptists we are winning “less”
people to faith in Jesus, baptizing, and discipling them. How can it be that we are winning less
people to Jesus, baptizing less people, and how can our discipleship ministries impact less people each year? Our impact and influence in the life of our cities,
families, and country are less. My good friend and former Executive Director of
the Arkansas Baptist Convention always said that the purpose of the church and
church people is to make sure “More people go to heaven and less people go to
hell.” I am afraid this is not the focus of the average Baptist church member
in America.
What is the
answer? Well not to simplify this too much, but the answer is quite simple “MORE.”
We need to spend “more” time in prayer seeking God’s face, sharing with Him the
names of the lost, and discerning His will. We need “more” effort and energy
spent to sharing the gospel with the lost, teaching them the truth of God’s
Word, and teaching them how to live out their faith in Jesus. We need “more”
people who will faithfully give of their resources so that needs might be met,
ministries might be expanded, and the gospel might go forth. We need “more”
people involved in ministry and meeting the needs of their neighbors, friends,
associates, co-workers, and family members in an intentional, relevant way. We
need “more” people who will start telling the Lord “yes” and start telling the
world “no.”
“MORE”…I need to
offer “more” to the Lord in 2017! You need to offer the Lord “more” in 2017!
Jesus asks us this very pointed question in Luke 6:46, “Why
do you call me `Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” At the
end of the day, real obedience to Jesus calls for “MORE!”