What are you Transmitting?

So it is when you and I offer ourselves to God in faithful
obedience. So many people look at their lives and think to themselves, “I just do not have much to offer. My testimony is not dynamic like
others. I don’t have lots of ministry skills. I can’t stand up in front of a
crowd and speak or sing. I have very little to offer.” The issue found in
the Bible has never been a question of how much you have to offer God. The
issue is always this: Will you faithfully offer God what you do have? It's
just incredible what God can do through little 8-watt transmitters like me and
you, when offer ourselves to God.
There is an old gospel song that has this as the chorus: “Little
is much when God is in it.” Right now you can tell someone close to you how
the Lord has changed your life. Today you can show love and kindness toward
another person. You can meet someone’s needs in a practical way. You can choose
to put a smile on your face and be encouraging to someone. You can make it a
priority to lift the needs of others up in prayer and maybe drop them a card to
tell them how you are praying for them. You can realize that the mission work
of God starts right where God has placed you every single day in your home, on
your job, or in your community. You may be only one person, but you can make a
difference by your words and actions as you transmit the good news message to