Thoughts about Thanksgiving 2011!

It is Fall and our thoughts begin to turn toward the holidays. Recently I was preaching a revival in the northern part of the State when a little boy about 10 years old came up and said, “Hey preacher! Can I ask you a riddle?” I told him to go ahead and he said, “If April showers bring May flowers then what do May flowers bring?” I thought for a few minutes and said, “Well I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” The little guy laughed and said, “Pilgrims!” You know the little guy was right. The little riddle made my mind race toward Thanksgiving.

Sandwiched somewhere between Halloween and Christmas is this annual Thursday holiday that is becoming more and more miniscule in the minds of people all over our country every year. Rarely do retail stores even acknowledge the occasion and the celebration of Thanksgiving. Sadly, even among God’s people there is very little thought given to Thanksgiving. For many it is a holiday that is nothing more than a day off work, a day for football, a day for eating lots of food, or a day to prepare for “Black Friday” sales.

The first Thanksgiving was a time of gratitude to God, not for His abundant blessings, but simply for survival. Those Pilgrims gathered to thank God for their lives, their health, and the preservation of their families.

A number of years ago Mr. Roger Babson, a famous statistician was having lunch with the President of Argentina. The President asked him, “Mr. Babson I have been wondering whit it is that South America, with all of its natural advantages, mines of iron, copper, coal, and silver, rivers and great waterfalls, is so far behind the progress of North America?” Babson replied, “Well, Mr.  President, what do you think is the reason for the discrepancy?” The President of Argentina thought for a moment and said, South America was founded by the Spanish who came in search of gold. North America was founded by Pilgrims who went to the new land in search of God. I dare say, sir, that this must be the difference.” I want to encourage you and your family this Thanksgiving to not get in such a rush for Christmas that you forget to stop long enough to search for God and to thank Him for the blessings of your life in the past year. Make sure you are seeking the right things this holiday season and that you are pointing your family toward the things that matter most in this life.

In closing let me share with you a little poem I found that is a funny little Thanksgiving blessing:

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump!
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs! Amen!

Have a great holiday of giving thanks to God!

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