A New Year requires Courage!

A new year with new possibilities requires courage

Each New Year brings new possibilities – opportunities for growth. These are exciting times to be alive. As we begin a New Year and a new decade, I’m sure that God wants to do great things in your life- but it won't happen automatically. You've got to step out in faith. There's always an element of risk. Hosea 10:12 says, "Plow new ground for yourselves, plant righteousness, and reap the blessing your devotion to me will produce!”

What are you planning to harvest in your life in 2010? Three hundred sixty five days from today, how will you be any different? If you want to be different, you've got to start cultivating some new habits, activities, and relationships now! Success doesn't just happen. It takes effort.

What do you want to be different in your family.... your finances...or your walk with Christ? Whatever you sow you'll reap. If you don't sow anything, you won't reap anything. I dare you to do something different with your life this year! Get off the bench and get in the game.

One of the most common mistakes Christians make is that they think they can live their lives off a single commitment they made years ago. The fact is that the Christian life is a continual renewal and daily recommitment to Christ. It’s not just a once-for-all decision. So recommit your life to Him today and start allowing Him to work in you and through you in 2010.

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