A Perspective on the recent election!

My father, Dr. Gerald Hallmark, pastor of First Baptist Church of Alexander City, Alabama wrote the following article in his weekly column in The Tallapoosa Outlook newspaper. I thought I would post it here so you could read it.
Okay, the elections are over and the sun is still coming up in the east and setting in the west. In spite of all the dire predictions the world did not come to an end and we are still on our feet and moving forward. Of course, there are a lot of things we still don’t know about this new administration and congress, but there are some things we are assured of and can take to heart. These are important to remember.
Be assured that God was not surprised at the outcome of the vote. He has seen over the affairs of men too long to be awed by men’s perspective of what constitutes historical events.
You can be assured that God is still on His throne and has not be deposed by petty men trying their best to remove him from their lives. Puppies barking at the ocean don’t turn the tides; neither do boastful men thwart God’s holy will.
Also be assured that Christ is still Lord and will have the final say on all human affairs. Men may strut across history’s stage, but Christ has not been overthrown as the Lord of the Universe and the Savior of our souls.
You can take comfort in the fact that the Holy Spirit is still at work in this sinful world. His convicting power is still bringing men to the saving knowledge of Christ and laying the foundations of great revivals for God’s people.
Be assured that the Bible is still God’s Holy Word and is without error. It makes no difference how many times men try to judge the worthiness of the Book, in the end this Book will judge the worthiness of men.
Take heart in the knowledge that the church is still the Bride of Christ and will always exist. No matter who persecutes the church she only grows stronger and the very gates of hell will not prevail against this blood bought institution of love.
Another great assurance in this insecure age is that salvation is still free and available to all who will come to Christ in repentance and love. God’s love is extended to even those that reject His Son and His Spirit calls them to repent and be saved, as well.
Never forget that blessed assurance that Christ is coming again to redeem this world. This is a commitment from the heart of God Himself to take His children out of this sinful world and give them eternal peace and security with Him.
Finally, be assured that heaven is still our home and our Lord has prepared a place for us. The security of this world’s political, economic and social will come and go, but the assurance of heaven is a promise made in covenant with God Himself.
All of these things are pretty impressive in their encouragements to believers, aren’t they? In fact, everything else in life is only temporary and passes away, but the word of God stands forever. I may vote at the local polling booth, but the true election took place in heaven at creation when God chose me in His love.
So, like Esther in the Bible we must understand that God has prepared us (His church) for a time such as this. Now is the time for the church to be the church and show the world God is in heaven, Christ is Lord, the Holy Spirit lives in us and we are committed to His church! I’ll see you Sunday as we worship the King.
Dr. Gerald Hallmark can be contacted by emailing him at gerald@fbcalexandercity.org