The story is told of two farmers. Both of the farmers needed rain, so each decided to pray for God to send the rain. While praying, only one of the farmers got his fields prepared for God to send the rain.
Here is the question: Which farmer do you think had faith and believed God?The obvious answer is the farmer who prepare the field had faith in God.
This summer at First Baptist Church of Marion, AR we are trying to prepare the fields of our hearts, homes, and church for God to send the rains of repentance, revival, and renewal upon us. For this to happen in your life, you and I need to get ourselves ready to receive what God has for us. To do so, we need to confess any known or unknown sin in our lives. We need to make sure that Jesus is the priority of our lives and we are not being distracted by lesser things. We need to spend time in God's Word and in prayer. We need to be faithful in all things, including the little things like our attendance and tithe.
My prayer is that whatever has to happen in your life for the rains of revival and God's blessings to come to your life, let that RENOVATION START NOW!