My good friend, Pastor Fernando Brandao (Director of the Brazilian Home Mission Board), recenty preached at the 2007 Arkansas Baptist Convention Pastor's Conference in Van Buren, AR. Preaching on the subject of His Mission is Our Mission, Pastor Fernando made a very clear and true statement when he said this:
"The church is not a place to fulfill our own plans and/or agendas. The church is a place to fulfill Jesus' plan and agenda. The church is not a place to realize our vision, but a place to realize the vision of Jesus...Sharing the gospel is the greatest demonstration of loving your neighbor."
The truth is that every Christian is without excuse when it comes to the command of evangelism. If we have truly been saved, then each of us has a "story" to tell to someone else. If our homes were on fire and someone broke in and miraculously saved us, all we could do in our community is talk to others about how we were saved and how wonderful this person was for breaking in and saving us. We would tell the story unashamedly to all who would listen. Even if they would not listen, we would still tell the story!
As Christians Jesus broke into the lives of our selfish and sinful ways to offer us the opportunity of forgiveness, eternal life, and heaven. We were literally rescued from the flames of Hell. What Jesus did in your life and my life is nothing short of a miracle! I wonder, with whom have you told "your story?"