
Showing posts from March, 2013

No more Business as Usual!

A few months ago I was flying from Memphis , TN to Charlotte , NC . The flight was filled with people in every seat. After we took off from Memphis about 20 minutes into the trip the flight attendants began cabin service offering passengers drinks and pretzels. About half way through the cabin service the plane hit huge pockets of turbulence. The aircraft started rocking back and forth and bumping up and down. Several passengers got their freshly delivered drinks in their laps or on the floor. Quickly the flight attendants locked down the service cart and one almost literally crawled back to her seat and buckled herself in. Over the intercom she said some words that not only stuck out in my mind, but that I wrote down as soon as the turbulence was over. The flight attendant said this: “Ladies and gentlemen, the conditions are too turbulent and the time too short for us to continue our service as usual.” You and I are not only commanded by Jesus to “make disciples”, but y...

It is time to "LIVE TO WIN!"

My friend Dwayne Moore, President of Next Level Worship, has created and just launched a new church-wide campaign called "Live to Win!" Here are First Baptist Church in Marion, Arkansas we were privileged to be a pilot church for this great campaign. We saw a spike in attendance, an huge level of participation both in worship and in small groups, and we experienced people making significant decisions. I had the privilege of writing the sermon material for this great resource. Let me recommend it to you without reservation. I hope you will check it out today at