
Showing posts from January, 2013

Join me in the Holy Land in 2013!

Tour Host Clay Hallmark standing on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem I am currently putting together my 2013 Hallmark Holy Land Tour which will depart from both Memphis International Airport and Atlanta International Airport on November 18th for Tel Aviv arriving back in the US on November 26, 2013 which is two days before Thanksgiving. The trip cost for 2013 is cheaper than the 2010 trip coming in at $3,675.00. This is an all inclusive price which includes airfare, 5 star hotel accomodations, all meals, all tips, all entry fees, a full-time guide and a full-time driver through EDI Travel, and you will never even have to carry your own luggage! Walk where Jesus walked and experience the sights and sounds of the Holy Land. For more information, questions, or to request a travel brocure, email me today at . I look forward to hearing from you. (Note: The trip is limited to the first 35 passengers. Enlistment requires a $300.00 non-refundable deposit)

Let's Be Generous Now!

When you hear the word “generosity” what comes to your mind? Do you think of it in terms of making a gift or a donation? Do you equate generosity with a sum of money? Do you see it as something that “rich” people should do in order to meet the needs of “poor” people? Generosity is very often mistaken as giving. The truth is that while giving can be a part of generosity, giving in and of itself can be done with the wrong motives, without love, or begrudgingly. Generosity, however, is always motivated by and finds its source in the foundation of love. On May 30, 2002 , in an interview on PBS, Father Lindon Harris of St. Paul ’s Cathedral which stands at the base of where the World Trade Center twin towers once stood told a story of great generosity. It seems that an elderly black woman heard about a man who had hurt his leg searching for survivors and clearing rubble at Ground Zero. She walked from her apartment to the area and talked her way through security. She came into the c...