Black Friday in Retail...God's house in the Red!

I was in shock to see it and even more in shocked to watc h it as the lines started forming on Th an ksgiving afternoon all over the country. People stood in line to get into stores to purchase "doo rbuster" specials , receive special incentives, and fill their bugg ies full of stuff they didn't even need. I know this because my family first had spent over $200 after walking into a sto re on B lack Friday saying we reall y didn't ne ed anything. Get this fact: T otal Shopper spending for the weekend of Black Friday reached an estimated $59.1 billion, which is a 13% increase from a year ago! Online shopping (my favo rite kind of shopping) eclipsed over 1 Billion dollars in sales and increased by 21% over the weekend from 2011 sales. This represents astronomical numbers especially for us to be in the worse economy in 50+ years. T he National Retail Federation is predicting that sales this holiday season will rise 4.1% from 2011 sales. If the estimate is correc...