Join me in the Holy Land February 2012!

Join me for a life-changing adventure in the Holy Land February 21-27, 2012. I am once again leading a tour to Israel to walk where Jesus walked and to see all the sites of our faith. The cost of the trip is $3,450.00 per person which is an all inclusive cost. The price includes our stay at 5 star hotels, all meals. a luxury motorcoach, a full-time guide, all tips, and all entrance fees. You will not even be allowed to carry your own luggage. We will be seeing sites all around the Sea of Galilee, Caesarea, Tiberias, the Dead Sea, Bethlehem, and throughout Jerusalem. You will walk into the empty tomb, see the sites of the crucifixion, stand on the Mountain where Elijah prayed fire down from heaven, overlook the valley of Armegeddon, put your hands on the place of Jesus' birth, and walk through the towns and villages of Jesus' ministry. Space for this trip is limited to the first 30 people who pay their non-refundable deposit of $300.00 pe...