
Showing posts from September, 2010

Follow me on TWITTER!

You can now follow me on TWITTER! Start following me today at


Starting Sunday, September 26th and going through Sunday, November 21st, I will be preaching a new sermon series called, "Does FAITH Work?...The James Experiment!" This will be a practical study in the book of James that will challenge us to live out the faith we profess in practical and relevant ways each day. We will learn how our faith works in the everyday situations of life! We got this idea from Northwood Church in Texas. We believe it is going to be life changing. Messages will be uploaded each week to the Your Life Matters podcast. You can subscribe by going to

People reach People!

The Biblical command to tell others about Jesus is a command that has been replaced in many churches by slogans, marketing plans, programs, and websites. While all of these things are important and beneficial, these things will not win the lost to faith in Christ. From the very beginning of the church, the plan for reaching the lost was simple: People must reach people! The problem is that this plan requires sacrifice on our part. We will have to give some time, face rejection, move outside our comfort zones, and become obedient to the Lord's agenda rather than our own agendas. However, people will not be won to faith in Christ by slogans, but by soul-winners. They will not be won to faith in Christ by becoming more favorable like the world, but by faithful witnesses. It will never happen because of a program, but because of people who might choose to use a program. Verbal networking of your personal story of how Jesus changed your life will change the lives of others! Now...let...